Category: Marketing and Advertising

Google+ Events: Party Mode
In June Google I/O Sr. VP of Social Business, Vic Gundotra, announced Google+ Events. Google Calendar is already a widely used and shared feature among…

4 Google+ Action Items For Small Businesses
A Google query for “New York Italian Restaurants” doesn’t display a single restaurant in the top 10 organic listings! The top 10 organic listings are…

Google Data Highlighter Tool
If your website goals are related to events and location you should quickly jump on this tool. More data and languages are constantly added to…

Website Trends in 2013 Part II
It used to be that freelancing was microscopic portion of the global workforce. Now freelance has grown to be a credible means to earn a…

Website Trends in 2013 Part I
Great web design is about using cutting edge technology that not only looks great but is functional as well. There is always a tug and…

How to Market Yourself Online Through Lesser-Known Avenues
In this series about How to Market Yourself On-line, we have already talked about Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn. But there are other social media marketing…

How to Market Yourself On-Line Through Other Avenues – Twitter
In our series about How to Market Yourself On-Line we have already covered marketing yourself through LinkedIn and Facebook. But, what about other avenues? It…

How to Market Yourself On-Line Through Facebook
While many people might think to turn to LinkedIn when they are looking for employment, some might overlook another avenue that can be just as…

Why you should use personalised text messaging to reach out to your customers
As more than half of mobile phone usage is now by smartphone, and between 10 and 30 per cent of owners of these phones access…

5 ways to use Tweetdeck to Increase your Social Presence
Tweetdeck is a desktop app for Twitter users which can help you search for specific topics/ users, engage with potential customers and create a strong…
The Presidential Campaign Social Media
War – Who’s Winning?
Back in the 2008 election, social media was a component of the campaign, but it was a relatively new component. Not many candidates knew how…

Four Tips For Better Customer Engagement
In today's Internet era, nearly every business or brand has some kind of social media presence. Whether you're just getting started on Facebook, or have…
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