With 2012 now upon us, it’s time to ask what online marketing trends are coming about and how these trends could affect your 2012 online marketing strategy. Here is some help from EricWagner.org:
Customers are mobile and doing mobile purchasing too. Smart phone usage continues to swell. According to Nielson, in 2011, 21% of U.S. residents owned a smart phone, up from 14% in 2008. With this increase in smart phone users, comes a surge in people who buy things on-line too. Estimates by Jupiter Research say that mobile transaction volume could grow to upwards of $600 billion in 2015. Smart businesses will consider mobile purchasing in their marketing plan and as part of their online marketing strategy in 2012, modifying their e-commerce website to be more mobile friendly.
Cars are connected. Just as smart phones are becoming increasingly common, so are “smart” cars with sales of connected automobiles sales predicted to reach over $20 million in the next three years. Couple this statistic with the fact that American’s often spend more than 100 hours a year in their car commuting, the car will be another great frontier for Internet Marketing. In the State of Oregon, the average commute time is 25 minutes, which will increasingly become important customer communication time for Oregon online marketing and marketers.
Internet and TV interconnected. Ever since the rise of Apple TV in 2006, the Internet and our living room have continued to become even more integrated with each other. In 2012, 35 million consumers who have Internet connected TV’s will stream even more content directly to their TV from sources like YouTube, Netflix, and Xbox. This also means that online marketing can now be targeted to TV watchers like it has been to Facebook, Google, and other Internet sites for years. Recent studies from Yahoo! have shown that 86% of people also use a mobile device while watching TV. For businesses, this could mean developing interactive applications that customers can multi-task with as they watch their favorite show. It opens up a whole new world for online marketing.
The iPad impact. Having just referenced the large number of people who watch TV while using a mobile device, the next logical avenue is to talk about the tablet computer. According to Mashable, the average iPad user spends 6 times the amount of time on content as a consumer accessing that information from another device. This means that content distribution channels directly associated with tablets are driving the way that content is consumed. Businesses that put out regular content on their Facebook page or blog should take notice of this trend and start distributing content in new ways for maximum Internet marketing exposure.
Increase your Online Marketing exposure in 2012 with the above tips and contact us if you need assistance.

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